Wednesday 27 June 2018

It's ALL about the Lines

James hiding behind the fuselage to give me an idea of canopy height
 Everything must look just right. There is very little excuse for an ugly aeroplane

Cowl split down the Center Line top and Bottom
 The cowl fits so snug over the motor, that there is practically no space for camloc's down the side, hence the decision to split along the CL. It also allows for a very pretty cowling.

 I spend an enormous trying to get the Lines perfect. Fortunately there is no deadline :)

Added the turtle-deck.
 The Turtle-deck was made in a very simple sheet metal mould. It is a section of a cone, so the sheet of galv metal was just bent into a plywood box, with a semicircle cut the size of the fuselage in either end.

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