Wednesday 27 June 2018

Rudder Pedals.
The Rudder Pedals I welded up from 3/4 035 4130 tubing. There is a vesconite hinge bush pressed into the lower tube. The mounting is to be on a 1/8inch Ply floor.

The Joy Stick
 The Joy Stick dimensions are based on the Joy Stick I built for my KR 2, but a sort of half version.
We could have opted for a side stick arrangement, but I enjoy a center stick. We are also a bit bigger than Ken Rand, and so found a side stick to cramp what space we do have

Fuel Tank.
 I welded our fuel tanks from 0.9mm Aly. They fit quite snug.
Fuel tank rests on the top longerons

Empty weight of the tank

Weight of tank filled with water to calculate the exact volume

2 pretty tanks (39 lts)

Main Spar

2 sets of elevators and rudders. Remember I said I convinced Russell to build, well 2 aeroplanes are in the making

Joystick mounting box

Drill jig for drilling the bolt holes in the wing spars. Really quite simple, and works a treat

Noonoo checking the canopied

Wing Attach Fittings for the main spar.

This is how the drill jig works

Main Spar set up with required dihedral. 16ft wingspan. That's All 

It's ALL about the Lines

James hiding behind the fuselage to give me an idea of canopy height
 Everything must look just right. There is very little excuse for an ugly aeroplane

Cowl split down the Center Line top and Bottom
 The cowl fits so snug over the motor, that there is practically no space for camloc's down the side, hence the decision to split along the CL. It also allows for a very pretty cowling.

 I spend an enormous trying to get the Lines perfect. Fortunately there is no deadline :)

Added the turtle-deck.
 The Turtle-deck was made in a very simple sheet metal mould. It is a section of a cone, so the sheet of galv metal was just bent into a plywood box, with a semicircle cut the size of the fuselage in either end.

Cowl and Engine Mount

The Old engine case used for testing the rear aluminium mounting plate.
 The Aly Mounting plate is dimensionally a copy of the Limbach motors mounting plate.
Russell (Lucky man) Has the Limbach which we used while building the cowl plug.
The central white mount is for a Magneto. I am still debating if this is the way I should go.

Engine mount. Note the position for the rubbers.
 This was decided on to reduce the load on the rubbers and therefore their deformation. As they have a bigger footprint, a softer rubber can be used and so transfer less vibration to the fuselage.

Mounted on the Fuselage without firewall

I stuck a piece of pipe in the case to get the position for the cowl

The cowl screwed in place to check fit

Monday 25 June 2018


ready for fairing

lots of imperfections to contend with

underside showing the extension of the fuselage lines

filling local low spots

almost ready for paint

primed with spray filler

looking pretty good

Stunning in black

Just before making the moulds

Me Happy..... Very Rare ;)

Shaping the Cowl (Plug)

Building the Cowl Plug around the motor. 

Using any off cuts of polystyrene. Just add them where you think you need

Trying to get symmetry is the trick

The polystyrene was just glued with wood glue. 

Mocking up the canopy line

Add a spinner to get the lines right.

A layer of glass and epoxy once it was almost there

bottom skin done

I covered the fuss with sticky tape so the plug  wouldn't be permanent.

Top skin done.

Right in the beginning .....KR 1

ZS WEC first flew in 1995 after 18 months of building. I am not sure why I sold it, but I did.
I flew just short of 300 hrs before selling. It had a 2.0 lt VW Motor with Honda motorbike ignition. Home made wheels and brake, very basic panel and NO luxuries.
During the time I had this great plane, I had decided to build a KR 1.
I bought a set of plans, as well as the plans for the KR 1 B motorglider. The plans ended up getting very dusty, but in 2011 I convinced my close friend Russell to build with me.
And so the build process started, only to be halted as I went off sailing for 3 years.
On arriving back we started again with much enthusiasm. But still slow as I have become too fussy. 100% or nothing, slows the process down. We are getting along reasonably well again. as the photos will show.